Friday, September 7, 2007

The Frugal Queen's Blog

This is a new adventure for me and I hope it will be helpful for those of you who happen upon my blog and are also intested in saving money!

I promise to post money saving ideas which I learn about and try out for myself and which in the end really do save me money. (Not just those which promise to save you money, but actually end up costing you more...goodness knows I have ran into plenty of those!)

Just a little about me...

...married...four full husband stays home with the kids during the week and works p/t on the weekends...(he is a chef, so I promise to post great, low cost recipe ideas as well!)....always looking for ways to keep myself busy now that I have completed my bachelors degree and professional, advanced degree by attending school in the evenings while working fulltime (glad that is over!). Let me rephrase...looking for ways to keep myself busy while not costing a lot of money and which involve lots of quality time with my family! :)

So, enough about me. If you find my blog and start to follow the postings, please feel free to add your own "Just a little about me..." reply to this message. Also, please feel free at anytime to post a great, money saving idea!

Well, that is going to be it for now. From here forward, I pledge to post money saving ideas....because after all, as my kids will tell you, money does not grow on trees. ;)

The Frugal Queen