Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Best Value for Your Money when Grocery Shopping

When shopping at the grocery store, don't just look at the big price on the shelf sticker - also check out the "unit" price or the "per ounce" price. I have found that this is really the best way to purchase the cost effective amount.

Let's take ketchup for example. (It is in it's own food group for my son, who puts it on everything!)

The cheapest big price on the store shelf is most probably the smallest size - say a 12 ounce bottle for $1.19. When you look at the per ounce price on this, it comes out to about 10 cents per ounce. But say there is a 36 ounce bottle on the shelf next to it - for $1.99. The bottle is bigger and costs 80 cents more, but the per ounce price for the larger size is now down to 6 cents per ounce.

That is savings! If you have the space and will be able to use it all before the expiration date, the larger sizes are almost always the best value. Also, check out the store brand versus the name brand. Using the same theory above, check out the name brand per ounce price versus the store brand per ounce price. You will see a tremendous amount of savings!

I have been teaching my kids this lesson as we go to the grocery store each week. I always have them look at the per ounce price on items instead of the "big" sticker price.

Want to learn more about being a savvy super market shopper? Check out this newsletter from the University of Kentucky school of Agriculture: click here. (It is a PDF document.)

Until another frugal moment hits!

The Frugal Queen